Tips When Moving With Pets

June 13, 2024

Relocating to a new residence can be a nerve-racking event for both humans and pets. Here are some tips to make moving less stressful for you and your furry friend.

10  Tips When Moving With Pets

1. Double check to make sure your new living situation allows pets. Confirm that pets are permitted in your new home or apartment.

2. Schedule boarding for your moving day. Consider taking your pet to a kennel to avoid stress during the move.

3. Lavish your pet with extra love and attention during this stressful period. Increase affection to help ease their stress.

4. Make an effort to stick to your usual routine and timetable as much as you can. Keeping a normal schedule can help stabilize your pet’s behavior.

5. Before bringing your pet into your new home, inspect the dwelling yourself. Check for hazards before introducing your pet to the new environment.

6. Arrange well-known objects, like a beloved blanket, bed or playthings. Familiar items can help your pet feel at home.

7. Set aside time to engage in fun activities with your pet. Help them associate the new home with positive experiences.

8. Update the identification tags and microchip information. Ensure all identification is current and correct.

9. Thoroughly examine your new yard. Make sure it’s safe and secure for your pets.

10. When bringing an outdoor cat indoors, keep them inside for a few nights. Gradually introduce them to their

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